Sunday, May 15, 2011

Toy Block Modeling

So for the first exercise, after doing the robot. First we create a cube, shape it into a cuboid. After, using a new skill Bevel, i bevel the edges to make the cuboid with a rounded edge.

Than i duplicate the cuboid. Secondly on the practice, i split the face of the cuboid. This allows me to pull the vertex at the side of the edges ad maintain the center, allowing me to create a triangle shaped polygon. Than i bevel it to make the edges rounded.

Duplicating the triangle shaped polygon, i used a new technique called Boolean. it allows me to create a hole right in the middle of the polygon, using another polygon. In this exercise, i used a cylinder polygon with the triangle shaped polygon to create something that looks like a bridge.

Than i created, a cube and a cylinder

And the final product XD

In this exercise, i have learned to used the bevel tool and the Boolean tool.

It my first lesson of modeling excluding the robot that was done, by using only primitive shape, now i see roughly how models are created.

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